
SA-OECD circular economy workshop (November 2022)

The CSIR and OECD, in partnership with ACEN and the Government of South Africa, hosted a hybrid 2-day workshop on the 21-22 November 2022, on “Ensuring economic, social and environmental gains of a circular economy transition”. This two-day workshop explored:

  • How can South Africa address the growing plastic pollution problem in a way that benefits the environment, society and the economy?
  • As a developing country, what are appropriate policy instruments to unlock a more circular economy and realise the triple dividends for the economy, labour markets and the environment?
  • How can trade contribute to a more resource-efficient and circular South African economy?

Day 1, 21 November 2022

Webinar recording: Recording of Day 1 of hybrid webinar, 21 November 2022
Presentation: The transition to a circular economy in South Africa, Kgauta Mokoena, DFFE
Presentation: Creating a circular plastics economy in South Africa, Anton Nahman, CSIR
Presentation: Can EPR get South Africa to a circular plastics economy, William Stafford, CSIR
Presentation: EPR towards a greater impact on product design, Frithjof Laubinger, OECD
Presentation: The OECD Global Plastics Outlook, Frithjof Laubinger, OECD
Presentation: The OECD Global Plastics Outlook: Policy scenarios to 2060, Rob Dellink, OECD
Presentation: Preparing for a legally binding global agreement to combat plastic pollution, Christoffer Vestli, European Commission
Presentation: INC process: The South African lead-up and perspective, Mamogala Musekene, DFFE

Day 2, 22 November 2022

Webinar recording: Recording of Day 2 of hybrid webinar, 22 November 2022
Presentation: A more circular South African Economy, Linda Godfrey, CSIR
Presentation: Consequences of a CE transition on the structure of the economy, Rob Dellink, OECD
Presentation: Labour market consequences of a transition to a circular economy, Frithjof Laubinger, OECD
Presentation: The trade consequences of a global CE transition, Rob Dellink, OECD

The South African government recognises the circular economy as a driver of economic growth and modern re-industrialisation. Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) play a key role in enabling the country’s transition to a low-carbon, circular economy.

  • +27 (0)12 841 4801
  • CSIR, 627 Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa, 0184

An initiative funded by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI). All information copyright © DSTI.

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