
The Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) launched three new, sector-specific Circular Economy Initiatives in 2024/25. These include the –

The three circular economy initiatives align with the priority sectors of the DSTI’s Decadal Plan (2022-2032), aimed at modernising mining, agriculture and manufacturing through science, technology and innovation.

The intention of the Circular Economy Initiatives Programme, is to help –

  • Build and strengthen national Circular Economy STI capability
  • Minimise the duplication of Circular Economy STI across the National System of Innovation (NSI), through more coordinated and directed activities
  • Build new areas of Circular Economy STI excellence
  • Raise the profile of sector-specific Circular Economy STI locally and internationally
  • Through government seed funding mobilise additional co-funding to support Circular Economy STI
  • Strengthen Circular Economy STI collaboration between NSI institutions and the private sector, for greater impact.

The Circular Economy Initiatives report directly to Circular Innovation South Africa (CISA) and the DSTI. Collaboration with the private sector is typically undertaken through collaborative research projects, and demonstration fund grants (see Funding).

The South African government recognises the circular economy as a driver of economic growth and modern re-industrialisation. Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) play a key role in enabling the country’s transition to a low-carbon, circular economy.

  • +27 (0)12 841 4801
  • CSIR, 627 Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa, 0184

An initiative funded by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI). All information copyright © DSTI.

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