
Four priority areas have been identified for manufacturing, i.e., short- to medium-term opportunities where STI can play a role in driving greater circularity in the manufacturing sector:

  • Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production: The optimisation of resource use along different value chains holds major opportunities to increase circularity. These may include the reduction of raw material inputs, energy consumption, water consumption, and waste and wastewater production, while maximising output.
  • Circular Product Design: Building circular economy principles into both the product and its value chain, across its full lifecycle. This includes improved materials science and manufacturing processes; and design thinking to fully embed circularity from the beginning of a product’s life.
  • Advanced Manufacturing: While developing industrial capacities, the integration of advanced technologies and digital trends represents a key determining factor. Skills needed for the transition to high-tech innovation, as well as required resources for machinery and equipment play an enabling role in developing the sector. These considerations include: the integration of advanced technologies, such as additive manufacturing or 3D printing; robotics and artificial intelligence; digitalisation; and green manufacturing technologies, including technologies that support the decarbonisation of high-production sectors such as steel and cement.
  • Remanufacturing: Critical product components are restored to new specifications, creating opportunities for product improvement and the adoption of new innovations. Compared to the original product, the remanufactured or refurbished product performs the same or better; with the same quality testing, and an equivalent or better warranty, thereby keeping the product at its maximum utility.

The South African government recognises the circular economy as a driver of economic growth and modern re-industrialisation. Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) play a key role in enabling the country’s transition to a low-carbon, circular economy.

  • +27 (0)12 841 4801
  • CSIR, 627 Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa, 0184

An initiative funded by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI). All information copyright © DSTI.

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