
Science, Technology and Innovation Roadmap and Strategies

Circular Economy STI Strategy

Waste RDI Roadmap (2015)

Bioeconomy Strategy (2013)

STI for Sustainable Human Settlements Roadmap (2019)

Technical Studies

CSIR Briefing Notes (2021)

CSIR Technical Reports (2022-2025)

How circular is the South African economy?

The South African economy is estimated to be only 6% circular (von Blottnitz et al., 2022). The Material Flow Analysis (MFA) undertaken for the country, reconfirmed that our economy is materially dominated by export-oriented extractives; and is energetically dominated by fossil fuels, notably domestic coal supported by imported oil. There is a very low rate of domestic stock building of infrastructure (buildings, roads, etc.) at only 130 Mt (2.3 t/cap). There are pockets of high circularity in the domestic economy and significant informal activity around cascade use, reuse and recycling, but the overall socio-economic input cycling rate is very low at 2% [1.4–2.8%]. Bio-based flows are sizeable at 17% of domestic extraction, with ecologically sustainable biomass cycling of only 4% [3.9–6.1%].

The South African government recognises the circular economy as a driver of economic growth and modern re-industrialisation. Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) play a key role in enabling the country’s transition to a low-carbon, circular economy.

  • +27 (0)12 841 4801
  • CSIR, 627 Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa, 0184

An initiative funded by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI). All information copyright © DSTI.

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